5 Acts Meme - Round 4

May 09, 2011 23:00

Doing this because I hopefully made up for having my life fall apart two rounds ago by writing fic with no requests last round. I still feel bad about that. And I have time to write this week.

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. At the bottom of your post, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

Five Acts
**Whether or not the people have sex is completely immaterial to me. Gen is also great if you don't feel the ships.

1. Forced to share a bed: accidental roommates also works for me just as well! Whether the people end up doing it or just giggling under the covers or watching late-night tv... whatever; I just love this trope

2. Getting drunk: drunken hook-ups, in vino veritas, hung-over and confused morning afters, etc.

3. Journeys: traveling together, on vacation, airplanes/airports/trains, time travel, hotels

4. Showers: needing to take a shower together, or someone helps someone else shower, or someone's just come out of the shower, or they're caught in the rain, or go for an impromptu swim. Just as long as there are wet people, I'll be pleased

5. Pretending to be together: even if it's just one-sided, and in any interpretation

Fandoms & Pairings

**Het crossover pairings or crossover gen between any of these characters would also make my life!

Lost: Sayid/Shannon, Sayid/Kate, Jacob/Richard, Richard/Miles, Miles/Sawyer, Miles/Juliet, Frank/Sun, Jin/Rousseau, Juliet/Sayid, Miles/Shannon
True Blood: Tara/Sam, Tara/Jason
Alias: Sark/Sydney
Being Human: Annie, Mitchell and George, but gen only, please
Miranda: (gen only) Stevie/Miranda, Gary/Miranda, Tilly/Miranda
Heroes: Adam/Mohinder, Elle/Mohinder
Fringe: Astrid/Peter (I'm only up to the beginning of S2, though)
Parks & Recreation: Tom/Wendy, Andy/April (I have only seen S2, though)

Fic I Have Written
Kate/Sayid for aboutbunnies, second chances
Juliet/Sayid for ozmissage, UST, forced to share a bed, domesticity
Miles/Richard + Mohinder/Sylar for pann_cake, domesticity

fic, memes

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