Today we went to Centre Island. Actually, I lie, we went to Wards Island, but Centre Island is what you say because everyone knows where that is. Which is, in Lake Ontario, a very short $6.50 ferry ride from Toronto. It has great views of the city, making it look quite harmless and majestic. It was overcast (and started raining as we got back to the city), and warm with a bit of a wind.
We didn't want to go to Centre Island because that's where the kiddie park is, with all the rides (and screaming kids). Ward Island has a boardwalk most of the way around, and a village: a cluster of houses with wide footpaths instead of roads, no cars (ahhhhhhh), surprisingly tiny houses, as if they'd been built for very short people, and gorgeous gardens. The homes were a mix, with a few really nice and unusual ones, and some rather dilapidated or comical ones. It was very quiet and peaceful, except for the ferryload of tourists, the numerous cyclists - oh, and a big frick'n boat full of partying people and a very good Arosmith cover band, audible even when some distance out. So on second thoughts it would be a rather strange place to live. Here are a few shots, including one of me cause my family would be interested, so please don't laugh, I'm sensitive.
If you ever see a shot like that of Toronto, but with greenery all around it as if it was rising out of a gorgeous forest, it's because the photo was taken from beyond Centre Island (or the peninsular bit that's uninhabited, though that ends to the east of the island). Otherwise, it tends to look like that - i.e., a bit industrial.