I don't know if I should be laughing at this or if that's mean, but I can't help it. Only a couple of weeks ago I finally got my WordPress stats working and one of the things it tells me is what search words (in Google) people used to find my blog. That is, my blog was one of many things that came up when they put these search words in. It bemuses me, it does, trying to think what they had in mind, really.
Here's a few choice ones:
giraffe email list
I honestly can't think what they were looking for. I'm tempted to type it in myself and see what comes up! Do giraffes have emails these days?
groan and zest your wife
this .... boggles my mind. Could it possibly be some kind of self-help book? And what did Google find in my blog to connect it up with these search words?
giraffe shelves
perhaps they heard of somewhere that has designed shelving in giraffe shapes?
It's just like a puzzle, really, isn't it - I'm honestly not laughing at people here.
On another note, the most popular search words that have brought up my book blog are "markus zusak". Lots of people Googling him!
I have one thing to be thankful to the G20 for (which doesn't, no matter how you look at it, make up for the 1 billion dollars wasted on "security", including a giant fucking fence around a chunk of the city - I see a self-fulfilling prophecy coming my way...), one thing to be thankful for: I get Friday off.
Where I work there's a group of four big buildings at the same address, and we're close to Queen's Park which is the provincial parliament building (it's just across the road).
Queen's Park
They're expecting lots of protests - even though the G8 and G20 are federal politics - and advising people to avoid coming into the city that day. And on Thursday my entire division is spending the day somewhere else, so in a way my weekend start Wednesday night! Not bad eh. And next week, Thursday is a public holiday so Adam and I took Friday off and we're going to get a nice long weekend up at the cottage. Sweet! Just what you need as it starts to get really hot.