I need to post my November book list but I still have 2 reviews to write and no time to really sit down and do it properly! My reviews have been really rushed of late. I'm always thinking, hours later, "Damn!" because I forgot something REALLY BIG that had been on my mind all through the book - how do you forget all that? Anyway.
It's coming!
This is joy to my ears - Adam and I are always ranting about this, although it's usually those people on the subway who try to push their way onto the train before anyone can get off that gets us going. The bit about people getting off escalators or going through doors and then just stopping is the thing that really nearly sets me off, aside from the "standing in front of the train doors when there are loads of people trying to get off" thing. I'm sure you've all encountered this a time too many:
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Thank you Rick!
This is our Advent Calendar at work - Norwegian style! (This wasn't taken with the good SLR camera, as you can tell)
The five of us share this basement room, doing membership renewals. (That's my workstation, there on the right.) We each bought five gifts on a budget of $20, one for each day of December until Christmas, so we each get five gifts too. Each day the next person opens one. Two had already been opened when I took this photo today, but it still looks pretty! It's great fun and so nice to look up and see them all there.
Um, so since I'm wasting time here I'll add in a couple more shots:
Determined to squeeze themselves in! Yes, it's a 3-cat armchair!
Gaia making sure Leon is clean.
Speaking of Gaia, guess what the silly twit has been doing lately? She's become obsessed with trying to catch her own shadow! She sits on the laundry floor tiles and bats at the shadow of her own head! Told you she was a twit!
Better see to tea - I'm doing roast chicken and I burnt my finger on the steam trapped inside the bag when I last checked on it. Ouch!