I got bitten night before last, on my neck, two bites that I don't recognise except that they look like a vampire bite! How tacky... There's another one on my chest. Don't know what they are, they're nothing like mozzie bites and only started being itchy last night. Weird.
This is Quamby Bluff, the mountain that makes up the middle point of the Western Tiers which cradle the north part of the state. I grew up seeing the Bluff to the south, easily visible from the house - it's like an old friend. I miss it. (Thanks to Mum for the pic)
If you look closely you can see snow there on the peak (it is still winter there - you can tell by how green the grass is!).
Seriously, my neck looks like it has an infected vampire bite. Ugh. It's painful-itchy and angry looking.
We are going tonight after work to Vistek to look at Digital SLR cameras. This isn't something we can afford (and we probably won't buy it today) but it's important to treat yourselves, and we've been wanting one for ages. It's helped Adam get through the working days at least!
We're taking the next week off and then coming back. Hopefully after another week of work we can negotiate a contract rather than continue to live off temp wages. All the summer students are finishing by next week so they'll be even more short-staffed than they are already. I - we - really couldn't care less about this job but it beats plenty of others I could think of.
I'm so tired. Wish I had something funny to share but alas.
I'm looking forward to having a few days of doing nothing but catching up on reading. I've applied for one last teaching job - school's about to start again so it's really a last-ditch effort by all - and if nothing happens then I'll have to just focus on this shit (the admin stuff, that is). Tonight we're going to look at some wedding rings!