After much nagging from a sis who refuses to visit me here on LJ, I have caved and joined Facebook. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do get left out because everyone except my Dad is on Facebook! We'll see how it goes, and whether I can figure out what the hell's going on. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of structure to it. In many ways, I prefer LJ, but for quick bits of conversation I suppose Facebook works better. I'm not sure what to do with it, except to eavesdrop... At least I've found
kiwiria! Actually, can't take the credit: Facebook did that, and without being asked too. Kinda creepy the way it does that!
I finished the monkey and, as promised, gave it to Adam, who named it Fitzroy. I must have sewn the legs on wrong because at first, after I stuffed it, they looked like this:
It's gymnastic monkey! Looks like he's doing the splits. Ouch. Well I did what I could to fix that, and sewed up the hole in his back and gave him fingers and toes, and now he looks like this:
I tell you, his nose was the bane of my existence! First the pattern piece went missing, then I didn't have enough nose pieces because I didn't realise you needed two in two contrasting colours, and then the instructions didn't make any sense whatsoever and I still don't know if I did it right, and then it came out one nostril lower than the other and there was nothing I could do about it because I had to sew six pieces of fabric together and it was so thick, I'd never be able to undo the stitches! Well, it's not too bad.
Yesterday I had a call from a school I'd applied to, the first job ad I'd applied to, for an LTO (Long Term Occasional) English teacher. It's up in a little town kinda in the middle of nowhere. When I first applied we were more open to the idea of moving there, but after listening to the message wanting me to come in for a job interview, we had a big talk and decided it was no longer practicable. The job is only for one year and then I'd be in the same position I'm in now, having to move all over again, and there's slim chance of Adam finding work.
So I called back and declined, wondering if I wasn't a complete fool because what if this is the only call I get? But I asked how many people they were calling for interviews, and she said they'd had 80 applications and were calling 10. She actually said to me, congratulations for being one of the ten! Well that made me feel better, I can tell you!
It reminded me though that I have to work on my interview answers - the questions aren't easy, and it's not the kind of thing you can wing, but at least I have a good idea what the questions will be like so I won't be totally blind. I feel nervous just thinking about it, but being prepared will help. It's hard to get your brain going on it though, and articulating your vague ideas.
It's much easier to lose a pound than it is to lose a kilogram.
The book club is meeting here tomorrow night, for Wuthering Heights. When I agreed to host, I forgot that it also meant I'd be moderating! I have to give the flat a good clean. Leon, who's still wearing the bloody cone, has given us so much trouble. If you're thinking of getting a cat, get a girl! They at least don't piss on the couch. It bloody stinks. It's leather, which means it runs down through the back and soaks into the cushion underneath. Any advice?
His ear had healed, and he was so smelly cause he couldn't wash himself, that we took it off and hosed him down in the shower - but the next day, which he spent outside, he scratched it open again! So back on with the cone. I hope the end is in sight with that thing.