Mar 20, 2007 14:51
Ye gods. My mirror's sole vocabulary is "Ach", "N'ver!", "Wimmin!" and "ALE!" Thus, the following conversation transpired between it and I late last night after I'd finished some essay marking:
"My hair is frazzled," I stated, looking into the mirror.
"Ach," replied the mirror.
"I have bags underneath my eyes."
"Never, what? I'm getting old. Ye gods, I'm getting old, y'hear!?!"
"Wimmin," stated the mirror knowingly.
"But - what am I going to do?"
"Ale!" it suggested enthusiastically.
"Is that all you know? Do you ever say anything else?"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"Are you German?"
"N'ver!" it wibbled.
"Ye gods. My mirror talks like a drunkard and I'm getting old."
"Ale," it stated firmly.
Maybe I shouldn't should get a new mirror after all.
All that said, the sooner I meet Kingsley at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow, the better. I love not having to teach on Wednesday evenings.
Now. Why is it that I can't seem to find my usual stash of romance novels? The chocolate I have successfully located, but the trashy novels are missing! Why, oh why???
… I shan't be present at breakfast or available immediately afterwards. Not with shocking, frazzled bedhair I won't be! Where's my Sleakeezy? Seventh years, I shall (as always) be in my office from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm should any of you require consultation.
Now - is there any particular reason why it's so cold in the castle? I mean, other than the fact that my classroom just so happens to be beside the observatory turret?