The castle is so empty. It's bliss! Even Mirror has barely said a word!
Last night I was so awed by the lack of students on the premesis, and more importantly, on my TOWER, that I suffered a slight bout of insomnia. No, really - I'm beginning to fear for my health.
And apparently I have to run an Anger Management class? Eh? I- er- wha- why- could- er -- Really... Eh?
Private to Self: This must be the cosmos punishing me for writing in my journal whilst under the influence. I cannot believe I did that. Cannot. Believe. I. Did. That.
What am I? Crazy Woman Extraordinare? A la deranged Astronomy Professor? The teacher everyone stares at and is nice to their face because they don't know what else to do about them other than snigger behind their backs?
Students snigger behind my back?
Oh god.
I just read this entry over.
No wonder they snigger behind my back.
I'm deranged.
Auriga The Deranged Rambler.
No. Auriga, Drunk Deranged Rambler.
Perhaps I can rectify that. Perhaps I can stop rambling. And not drink. Or hide my journal when I am drinking. So that I look poised, even if I severely lack it. At least I have more of it than Sybill. Buahahaha. I am more poised than Sybill.
Good grief.
I am comparing myself to Sybill. And I'm still rambling.
Private to Minerva: Minerva, did you say there was going to be additions to the faculty last staff meeting? I fell asleep. Merlin, how I hate staff meetings.
Oh, happy days. Guess whose sister is in town? Guess where said sister is staying? Guess how long said sister is staying for? Guess who's not jumping up and down for joy? Guess who needs a drink? Now?