393 research report

Mar 27, 2011 21:04

ok, options for students are:
  • business plan(esp. good if they're already unofficially consulting and stuff
  • econ justification for their specific degree and education plans to come (inspired by the 1970s Doonesbury in which Mark Slackmeyer is told by his dad he has to pay back all tuition)
  • a legal development and how it may affect their field (the health and public policy ones esp should glom onto this)
  • (one that finally hit me tonight)google vs. the world -- explore a service that google provides, such as maps. Look at the history of online maps/directions, and futures of it. developed in house or via aquisition? do any competitors do the same thing better? (ironkite pointed out the birdseye view of bing, and mapquest is still a better verb.) what info does G take and use and store? will they continue with X, or might they drop it?

I had an awesome day today, and since i also just solved this problem, i wanted to share.

umbc, 393, technical writing

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