on rights and students

Jul 21, 2010 11:02

http://www.thebigmoney.com/blogs/retweet/2010/07/20/twitter-apparently-uninterested-protecting-its-intellectual-property?page=0,1 made me think of this. (And made me like Twitter more, facebook less, though I use neither.)

But I realized I need a new section on my syllabi, after the plagiarism warning, about their content rights.

I will inform students that (my default assumption is that...) their work may be used within future iterations of the class as a model -- opt-out or anonymity allowed (I will never use it as a Bad Example, only moderately good to great.) It will only be used within my classrooms, not posted online outside of a closed system like Blackboard.

Their presentations for teaching-students-grammar-and-stuff is often really good, so I will want to sometimes request (so they have to opt-in) permission to share with other profs (as I've done w/o asking in the past), and possibly on my website. Again, they can choose to be anon, but I tend to only share really really good things beyond my class, since that's what makes me look better.

I will reiterate that THEY own all copyrights to their own work -- this especially concerns them with the write-o-rama. (But fanfic is allowed in it, so I may have to at least request that they do the "I'm playing in Marvel's sandbox" type disclaimer. I never want to diss fanfic , but if I'm drawing this much attention to Intellectual Property matters, I don't want to ignore the issue either.)

For my Tech Writing (393) -- I'm still redesigning stuff so much I'm not yet sure which assignments will generate concerns about copyleft and stuff. But I do use one group's previous stuff (with their verbal permission) in the class as examples. I just wish I could easily trim the graphics to turn it from a 27MB docx to something more reasonable.

(Maybe I need to figure out the CC licensing for my own assignment sheets and stuff, too. I know my axia default is share, modify, no attrib necessary (I always post "feel free to modify and adapt this for your own classes, no credit needed.)For my UMBC, I want my name and stuff out there, because I have an ego)

umbc, teaching, intellectual propety, 393, creative commons, 100, copyright

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