quick food notes

Sep 13, 2009 14:36

Our wedding cake showed up on a random blog: http://www.sounusualweddingcakes.com/ace-of-cakes-unusual-wedding-cakes/ . (The flavors, I think, were pumpkin cinnamon for one part and thai-iced-tea for another, but I don't remember which was what. Also, my dad pointed out that photo WAS from the wedding itself, as he remembers my off-white tablecloths and the dark wood paneling.) I know, we need to process other wedding photos and all of that eventually. We live in comic book time. Really only 10 days or so of storytime have passed since the wedding issue.

ironkite's birthday is this week, so I made him a super-chocolate cake:

http://www.bakingobsession.com/2008/05/15/chocolate-blackout-cake/ (except it was 8" pans, not 9" - directly from Cook's Country, not the "best of" cookbook. Also, cook the pudding FAR longer than they direct, at least 15 minutes. And the cocoa powder was not directed to be sifted.) Apparently the "accuracy" of the cake is the subject of much debate (http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/331675) , but I don't care - cake was GOOD, though intense. Wegman's has dutch-process cocoa, by the way. So yesterday was an adventure to Hunt Valley, with that one ingredient as the main goal.

And directed by a post from kazoogrrl, I made Bacon Goat Cheese pops (only a half-recipe, but it was still insane) - served with a braeburn apple -- I think something with a touch more tartness or a decided sweetness (granny or fiji) would have been better, but the basic recipe was amazing.

bacon, blackout, appetizer, recipe, chocolate cake, cocoa

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