Holiday Gift List

Nov 20, 2009 14:59

I know that half the people who used to read this don't any more, but I thought I would put this up anyways.

THE BASICS: write a Christmas/Holiday wish list. It can be any 10 wishes you'd like to have granted, no matter what they are. Possible or seemingly impossible. People look and grant the wishes if they can. It's not about "OMFG PRESENTS", it's about making someone else's holiday a little brighter by giving. Personally, I get more out of giving than receiving sometimes. It's just a good feeling to give.


** Make a post in your journal. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fun ("I'd love a Snape/Hermione icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
** If you wish for real possible things, make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you. In this case, you can always just note someone on dA.
** Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your journal, so that others can join in and participate to spread the holiday joy!


** Surf around your friend list to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:
** If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use--or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free--do it.
** You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf--to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not--it's your call.

There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

1. Art! Or crafts, or anything hand-made.
2. A gift certificate to a bookstore, like Chapters.
3. A gift certificate for Saje.
4. Documentaries - anything on ancient cultures, forensics, North American animals, or Biblical history.
5. Some ipod speakers for my ipod.
6. Some help cleaning my kitchen. :-(
7. An itunes giftcard.
8. Any of the seasons of Star Trek Voyager (though I'd probably want to start at the beginning...)
9. Anything from Lush.
10. I can't think of a 10.

holidays, gifts

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