Holiday Recs!

Dec 23, 2007 21:58

Angel's Christmas Magic by
sl_podcast - (written for me) Angel/Mighty Boosh Crossover, Angel, The moon, g

The Night Before Christmas by 
shapinglight- (reviewed on Joss'd) Spike, Dawn, pg-13

Blood and Mistletoe by
hollydb - Spike/Buffy NC-17

A Firefly Christmas by mimbles - Firefly, g

How the Vamp Stole Christmas by
apreludetoanend - Spike, pg

Promise of Frost by 
eurydice  -Spike/Buffy, NC-17

Tinsel by
rinalin- Jayne, Zoe, pg

Twelve days of Christmas Story Arc by
bookaddict43  - Kaylee/Jayne, pg-13

On Gurnenthar - by 
beer_good_foamy- Anya/Xander, pg-13 (other holiday fics linked)

(some fic recs supplied by 
sl_podcast and

Icons - BtVS Winter, Christmas, & Hanukkah by

Icons - 80 icons (Multifandom, Christmas, Misc)  by

Icons - 120 All I want for Christmas icons (Characters, actors and pairings) by


image Click to view

A Winter’s Tale - Buffy Between the Lines, audio drama - (you don't have to have heard past episodes to follow this) by

Holiday Thoughts - Buffy Between the lines, audio drama, WIP.

The Christmas Ep - (Music) Buffy Between the lines, audio drama

A Very Ninja Christmas Part 1 - Ask a Ninja, video podcast.

Happy Dethemberween - Homestar Runner, Internet Cartoon.

Merry Christmas from Joss'd - Whedon Fandom, Podcast

I hope you all have a great time over the holidays! *hugs*

recs, holidays

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