A post where I pimp all things Whedon.

Nov 02, 2007 00:12

I'm on yet another podcast called Joss'd the first episode is up on the website. It's a bi-weekly podcast about all things Joss Whedon including Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Sugarshock, and now Dollhouse *dreamy sigh* We've got a news feature, interviews, trivia, sections on gaming and one on toys & collectibles and fanfic reviews - possible other stuff too. I'm the one doing the fanfic review, and I rec'd one of
spikendru 's fics.

I'm currently working on an episode with the wonderful
bakatulip  for season 2 of Buffy Between the Lines, and I'm writing a crack!crossover!penguin fic for 
sl_podcast 's birthday. If anyone missed it, I've posted a link to 3 episodes of BBtL and I'll be updating as new episodes air.

Here's the vid that inspired the Joss'd theme music: 

image Click to view

dollhouse, joss'd, bbtl

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