Guilt meme

Jan 18, 2007 15:05

I was tagged by blueanddollsome Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Microwave Marshmallows. They taste better that way. Literary: I don't like some 'classic' books Perfume, Animal Farm, Slaughter House Five and Lord of the Flies. They're idea books and not Character driven.Audiovisual: I dislike some popular shows Ugly Betty, The OC, Doctor Who, Smallville and Lost - don't lynch me. Musical: Movie and TV Sound Tracks I own soundtrack to shows that I don't even like. Celebrity: Joss Whedon I'm a major fangirl. I read books he mentions (Death of a Salesman, Of Human Bondage, The Killer Angels and Tillie a Mennonite Maid) and I'm a member of Whedonesque.

Now I tag:-
evie_0 meimei42 ozma914 rowanceleste and sl_podcast

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