And anyone else who wants to see the YooSuMin goodness:3
NSFW... Atleast, I don't think they are@@;
First off: There have been two videoes up on youtube for this in the past, but they've been taken down by YT, damn it all. I hope you got to see them when they were up;-;
Then you can view the following images!
Warning! May not be work friendly! Image heavy.
credits;;on images + peoples at
dbsg (meaning I did nothing but host and postXD)
I'm sorry, but this is pure absolute love. This is why I love being a slash fangirl*-*
But I have no idea WHY they even did that! It was at one of their shows from their new Japanese Tour, but I just can't figure out why Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin decided to do that. (Not complaining! Just curious>>;) I love how Yoochun can't stop laughing towards the middle of itXD And yet he ends the segment with such a serious face@@; *head spins*
Hey, Twin! Look! *points to icon*