Aug 03, 2006 01:10
I had orientation tonight. It went okay. I think I will really like working for them. Tomorrow, I have nothing to do. Laundry and find insurance, but I consider that... nothing to do. If anyone needs a job and doesnt mind driving to Bentonville, Starbucks needs Baristas, they are opening like four new stores in the next month and they need staff. I have applications, just let me know. Right now.. I am a little tipsy and annoyed. I had a terrible headache and I had to pee on my way home tonight. So I stopped at the store to get some pain reliever for my now two day headache and Sythe had to have soy sauce. It took me 15 minutes to find the fuckin soy sauce. Then, I got home and he didnt even notice my new outfit, kiss me, or anything. It was really annoying. Now I am tipsy and horny, he hasnt kissed me once today and he is asleep. What the fuck is wrong with men??? What is wrong with me??? I am annoyed. I am done now. Oh yeah and I have to work at 10 in the morning the day after my birthday, how shittie is that????