Followup Surgery (Metody)

Jan 02, 2009 00:42

Pat located Metody at his Nexus apartment several hours before Rid's jaw was to be dealt with again. She had a few things with her. Rang the doorbell.

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metody_green January 2 2009, 07:23:47 UTC
His apartment was set up well within the AV field - and just to make sure, his little bone creatures bounced and pounced in a circle around it. They were easy enough to step over, though a few collided amusingly once they had to include Pat in the circling.

Metody answered the door with a smile. The scent of brownies drifted out around him.



aureliaofarista January 2 2009, 07:30:44 UTC
"Hi!" Hugstime! And stepping carefully around the critters time!

"I've brought you a tunic, so we don't have to be ridiculously careful about your movements. And I brought a strigil and oil, just in case you were still plastered with glitter." She smirks.


metody_green January 2 2009, 07:34:10 UTC
"Come in, I made brownies and cocoa." He holds the door open for her.

He makes a face. "Pat, I will never be so dirty that I think a strigil and oil is the way to go. Covering myself in oil will never mean 'clean' to me."

Besides. He's mostly free of glitter, except for his hair.


aureliaofarista January 2 2009, 07:46:12 UTC
"Ooh, thank you!" She'll come on in. "I will admit the future has improved soap. I just didn't know how much it could handle. Figured it was better to try than regret not trying." Smile. And extra smile for more and more chocolatey smell.


metody_green January 2 2009, 08:12:14 UTC
He grins, and bounds over to cut her a brownie. "Oh, you'd be amazed at how specialized its gotten. There's even this orange colored soap goop with ground pumice in it for abrasive cleaning. So worst come to worst, I could just scrub off the top layer of my skin."

Metody takes a nibble of the brownie, then turns to the stove to deal with the cocoa. "You want some coffee in your cocoa?"


aureliaofarista January 2 2009, 08:16:28 UTC
"...Well that's an interesting way of handling it." Pat figures she can't talk much, though, being a member of a society with professional dipilators.

"Sounds great!" Pat appreciates rapid brownie access, sir.


metody_green January 2 2009, 08:18:48 UTC
"It's really mostly used for cleaning off hands after working on greasy engines."

He gives her a 1:2 mix of coffee to cocoa, then takes a sip and offers it over. "Mngh - bitter. But that probably means it's got just enough sugar for anyone but me."


aureliaofarista January 2 2009, 08:23:02 UTC
Pat soon sips. "It tastes delicious."


metody_green January 2 2009, 15:36:04 UTC
He smiles at her, then holds out his arm for the tunic. "Here, I ought to put that on and see what's left uncovered. I don't remember, exactly. I was so distracted by the scenery."

He grins, though he's not terribly thrilled with the possibility of having to remove some of his protections.


aureliaofarista January 3 2009, 08:12:03 UTC
Pat happily hands it over. "I don't think anyone'll be looking closely enough to be bothered by a bit of the tattoos showing. Now, if they could see all of you, they'd wonder how you got to be so rich." Extra-grinning grin. "Or maybe they'd be distracted by the scenery too, I don't know."


metody_green January 3 2009, 08:46:06 UTC
He blushes, setting the tunic aside, then kneels to remove his shoes and socks.

"Tattoos mean wealth?"


aureliaofarista January 3 2009, 09:19:15 UTC
"Unless they're the kind for convicted thieves, yeah. Nice tattoos are expensive."


metody_green January 3 2009, 09:22:07 UTC
"Ah..." He grins, shedding his shirt, then twists to show her his spine. There are plates of bone over it, each one not-coincidentally shaped like a leaf. "I suspect these would attract some comment, unfortunately. But they're easy enough to pull off."


aureliaofarista January 3 2009, 09:31:04 UTC
"It's very clever, but yeah, you'll need to take the top few off, if that's not hard." She frowns ever-so-slightly wondering why he took up the habit in the first place, but then smiles at him.


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