May 06, 2009 14:59
So far it has been a horrid day at work. I had to go in the field to mark borings and damaged the truck. I got a tree caught in the wheel well and bent off the 'scratch guard'. It will probably cost about 400 to get fixed. I did the honerable thing and called the office and told them. When I got back to the office I noticed the other wheel scratch guard was snapped in half and I DIDN"T do that one. But since I damaged one, they assumed I did them both. And it is making me furious. If I make a big stink about it, people will just think I did it more. I said I didn't do it once, and that is really all I can do. And it's not like I have to pay for the repairs, I don't. Everyone makes mistakes. Most of the employees have damaged a vehicle at one time or another. But they don't remember when a GUY does it, but the fact that I am a helpless little woman, who really shouldn't be out in the field in the first place just infuriates me.
To top it off I couldn't find Four of the boring locations and got really fucking scratched in the process. briars kiss it. Kiss it.
Whoever at EGS broke the other scratch guard, Kiss it, Kiss it.
(By the way, Driving a truck off-road. Totally not as fun as they make it look like on TV, I don't know why people do this for fun)