The Long Weekend

Apr 22, 2009 15:37

I've been sick the last couple of days. I caught the germ that Tom has had for a few days, so no we can be ill together. I went to a job interview today even though I felt like crap. I know I did well, but I'm not sure that I want the job. I'm leaving Framingham State and I'm not sure I want to commute back every day over the summer. I guess I'll see what happens.

The long weekend was one of the best I've had in a long time. Tom and I hung out with his friends, Greg and Hope, who are engaged. They are really nice people who love to laugh at Tom's jokes as much as I do. Tom and I went a huge rant about how much we dislike our school and they listened the whole time without complaint. When we went to the mall, we ran into Tom's sister Rachel and her boyfriend, Tim. We all spent the day together and had a great time. I told Greg how I resent my writing abilities and how I've taken a break to lose weight. Everyone said that all authors hate their work and that they would love to read my stuff. I love my new friends.

The next day, Rachel, Tim and Tom help me with my club's fair, It was a great success. We had to cram 36 balloons into Tim's car and later inhaled the helium. We laughed a lot and painted each other's faces. I had a ton of fun. I can't wait to see everyone again.
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