Sorry for the long silence, I've been super busy with my entrance examination for the craft science. But it's over now! w00t! I have long update about that coming up, but first I thought I could blather little bit about the NESAT X.
I had a blast there!
I shared a hotel room with two researchers/weavers from Turku, and we had so much fun together. Actually, I can't really describe the whole week so I'm just going to say that the week was fabulous, I learned so much and got a so much perspective to the whole textile field, that I just felt exhausted afterwards. But in a good way, of course.
I felt a little weird, since I've only studied history two years, and everyone else had already done at least their BA, almost everyone their master's thesis, and then there were those textile celebrities that everyone knew. So everyone was asking what's my field of interest and of what hade I done my research, and of course it was bit embarassibng to say that nothing yet. On the other hand, I think I got a good head start from NESAT to start to do my BA next autumn.
I also made lots of friends and got to meet
frualeydis for the first time. Here's actually a picture of as taken outside of he Danish National Museum, where we had just attended to the opening of the new prehistoric exhibition (which was opened by Her Majesty Margareta II).
Gee it was a fun week!