Ok, I already wrote this notes once and got deleted for some reason and I dont feel like it to re write the whole note . Especially using Acer
So, first thing I wanna say is: I finally brought Max to Macintosh Service Center so I would know whats wrong with him. But Max has to stay for 10 days at least over there :'''''''(
And I'm typing these with Max's lil bro/sis (this laptop hasnt been named yet), just call it Acer
And the keyboard is not very comfortable, I have difficulties typing with Acer x(
This movie is beyond amazing. I watched it TWICE already and still cracving for more
I need to buy the dvd, the original one. why?
1. So I can watch it everytime I want
2. The movie has it all: the CG, the story, the good acting, everything
3. To support the movie of course
So, what's so amazing about the movie?
The first thing that people would notice would be the CG, the effect, or whatever you wanna call it
Do you remember the CG used to create our favourite pirate Davy Jonnes in Pirates of The Carribean? And also the CG used to create our favourite dinasours in Jurassic Park? Yes, they used that kind of technonlogy in Avatar. Most of the movie is CGI: the characters, the scenery, the monsters; and they look incredibly real. I know you still can see that "oh, they are so CG", but they dont look very computerated for me. Because when the CG charaters are with the non-CG characters, they can blend. It's just like Beowulf's effects only better ;)
Second, the story. You know I love monster and alien movies, right? The movie has them both + the greens!Niiiice :D I am also a kind of person that value the story of a movie more than the action and the effect. So, if I cant understand the story, or the story is too shallow/ cliche for me, even though the CG is awesome or the actors are handsome, I would consider it as a bad movie. But in Avatar, the message being delivered through the movie is very beautiful. It's about going green, about humanity, it's about relationship between individuals and also the surroundings. There is one scene about the Home Tree collapsing and I dont know why that scene always got me. It reminded me of my own story about forest destruction *haha promosii x) But truly, thats the saddest part in the movie for me.
Last but not least, is the great actors and how good their acting are. They can deliver such overwhelming emotions in the movie. We could also differ the cultural difference between earth people and the indegeneus. The indegeneous has difference in walking, talking, and expressing feelings than the earth people. And the actors brought it up magnificently :)
So, there you go, three reasons why I fell deeply in love with this movie and why you guys should watch it :) This movie also inspires me to create something like it, even though it's a long way to go lols! I'm not able to create such detailed story, with detailed character designs, the scenery designs and those vehicles used. I am not that brilliant (even though brilliant is my last name) YET. So I hope I am able to do it in the future ;)
OH, another notice from me, taken from WWF:
Sea turtles are one of the species from Strictly Endangered Species list from IUCN Red List. It is because sea turtles' habitat are often being destroyed, the illegal transactions for both of the animal and the eggs, and also because most of them caught by accident by the fish boats. Hence, if you are willing to donate to help the sea turtles, you can contact WWF in +6221-5761065 ext. 103 or email to support-wwf@wwf.co.id (for local people). And if you are not Indonesian, you can visit the site on
www.supporterwwf.org. Or, you can simply spread the words to all the people you know :)