It's been a while...

Jun 30, 2007 09:54

Not that much new is going on in these past eight weeks...

Cripes... it's been THAT long? *shifty eyes*

Allright, point-form time!

- I've been trained on the TESCO Lines where I work, which means, feasably, I could run any bit of the machine, aside from the Auto-pack out. w00t is me. Except I'm not the fastest on the line, so I'm back to working other bits in Tic-Tac. Boo. Ah well. People take vacations. They will need me bwahahahahahaha...

- Gabe grows. He has a journal too at gabe_zilla! It's friends-only, though. I needs to make a banner for it *nodnod*

- I have flowers on my balcony, including a little bitty Butterfly Bush!
It's not exactly as shown. To be honest, I have no idea what colour it is, but I'll find out!

- We has a nice table and chairs on the balcony too. Not that we use the balcony much. But we will! Yays!

- My dads' cousin and her husband/kids are visiting from Germany. Last weekend they arrived, the three of us visited. Muchos language barrier problems, seeing as my uncle only speaks Hungarian/German, my Aunt speaks Hungarian/German and passable slavic, and of the two kids, Ricarda, the 16yo girl, speaks enough english to be able to have a decent conversation with. Dominic just started learning english in school, so it's a lot of pantomime and such, but he's getting much better. We introduced him to A&W Root beer, and he LOVED it! Especially when we explained to him that it does not in fact have alcohol nor caffeine.

- There is nothing quite as amusing as seeing my new-found cousins go bug-eyed as we wander the vast variety of foodstuffs at Zehrs. We take for granted our year-round availability of fruits/veggies, not to mention all the ready-to-eat and 'look, just pop it in the oven and Voila! Dinner is made!" stuff.

- What is a proper 'Canadian' Breakfast? This, I want to know. My mother thinks it involves pancakes, maple syrup and coffee. I think it's a Tim Hortons Coffee and a donut of your choice. I'm sure Kevin believes it involves bacon. Lots of it. Ideas?

- I am SO FREAKIN' TIRED of the SAME FREAKIN' episodes of Gabes' shows on Treehouse. We have it on for background noise for him while he's rampaging, and it's always the same episodes every day :( VARIETY YOU @#$@$#$%^%$&%^*$%^#$%@!!!! *seeth*

- I need to finish getting ready, my parents will be here soon. I'll make sure Gabe makes a post or two while we're visiting my parents and such.\

Oh, and before I forget(again)

TIGGY!!! *HUUUUUUGE HUGS* I'm sorry things crapped out on you. I really am. You need cookies and snuggles!
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