mmm.. Baileys + chocomint icecream = YUM :D

Apr 06, 2008 19:56

That aside, I went for a three hour bike ride today, towing Gabezilla along.
I have a few notes for the City of Brantford:

Potholes need to get fix before they become sinkholes taking up half the road.
Dead-end trails are not cool. Know how hard it is to back up a bike trailer with a 50lb three year old in it? Not fun.
Please, a sign or some kind of warning when a trail is crossing or running near tracks would be appreciated. I think I nearly pissed myself when the damned thing blew its horn.

In other news, Harvey escaped his cage again. A few mornings ago, I found him in the corner of Gabes' room, happily making a nest of dirty socks and fluff, with some lost elbow noodles, dried fruit of some kind and some kitty kibble all collected neatly. He was not impressed when I put him back in his cage. Need to duct-tape his cage together or something. He's always finding loose bits and exploiting it. How he survives all these six-foot falls I'll never know.
One 'escape' was our fault. Both Kev and I were tired, and we left him in his yellow ball all alone for a few hours. Kev woke up to the sound of something rolling, and found him in the bathroom, still in his ball. He slept soundly all that day. :D

Max needs to get neutered. Stat. He's repeatedly humping poor Harlequin, and he's making a nest in the corner of his room. So far it's two posters that were garbage anyway, a few loose socks, a t-shirt, a kleenex box and a pillowcase. Silly bunny.

Now to put Gabe BACK in bed, and finish off my ice cream and Baileys.
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