Schizotypal, 6th senses and Charmed (another rant)

Apr 25, 2005 01:48

I was quite offended when my cousin Cindy emailed me about my entry on the personality quiz thing. She said basically this when I asked her what it meant:

"Schizotypal personality disorder is primarily characterized by peculiarities of thinking, odd beliefs, and eccentricities of appearance, behavior, interpersonal style, and thought. Persons with this disorder may have peculiar like ideas: belief in psychic phenomena or have magical thinking."

I knew she didn't mean to hurt me in any way, but it offends me when psychiatrists and psychologists label people because they have a sixth sense. I mean come on it is all around us, and the reason we aren't intuned to our 6th sense much is because our parents/peers (whoever) tell us it's wrong. Kids always and will always have a vivid imagination, and I don't think that should be stopped, I think it's a good thing. Also in animals they can sense things that we cannot, are they schizotypal because they can sense things? I don't think so.

Believing in phenomenas is not a shame and doesn't make you mental. But believeing something that you are not is, and isn't funny how this personality disorder and schizoprehenia is linked (but may I remind you I do not have that disorder, I have manic depression!)? Also I hate it when my friends saw to me about my electrokinesis is this: "Why can't you dispell big blue flashes?" Answer: "Because electrokinesis isn't about that! If you want to see things like that watch Charmed, and see those air head girls over exaggerate!" Okay, I like Charmed but they really do exaggerate 6th senses there...

Prue: Her telekinesis is exaggerated to the point that she can send things soaring across the room at lightening speed. That is not nesscerially true because in true kinesis it's rather slow. Sure you can hurl objects at others but it is rare. She also develops astral projection later in the series and her spirit is encased in a red aura. Erm, okay...since you can't SEE the spirit when someone astral projects unless you have seen ghosts before and the sisters have never seen ghosts, only demons.

Piper: She has the ability to freeze time and make things explode while these things aren't real they still, in many respects, relate to pschyokinesis(another name for telekinesis).

Phoebe: Her powers are clairvoyance and levitation. Her clairvoyance is probably the least exaggerated power out of all 4 of the sisters, although her levitation seems somwhat of an eyebrow raiser.

Paige: When anyone says to me that her whitelighter powers are kind of true I laugh. I mean, I really laugh, sure there is something of teleportation but of a very different kind and her power to orb things just by saying the object? I think that's abit too far-fetched don't you think? Let's not forget that Paige is half-witch, half-whitelighter.

All in all we have learnt that Charmed should not be taken seriously and anyone who teaches from it is very stupid, or is misguided so very much. I mean this is where you look at yourself and think yes I can do this and I can do that but to believe I can do TV/Hollywood special effects by simply believeing? Er, that would make me really stupid.
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