
Nov 21, 2017 09:03

I have not been on this journal for a very long time.
One of the reasons why I haven't been on here is because I can't see anyone else's feeds.  I get maybe one or two updates, but nothing else.

Life has been complicated.  I've gotten work that I started off loving and ended up needing to leave for various reasons related to health.  I've seen heartache and bliss. I've experienced both myself - though not to the extent that other people have.  And that includes my own posts too.

Gaming wise, I've made some great friends playing DnD 5th edition.  I've kept some good friends playing parlor Larp - and realized a few things about myself in the process.  Some are good things.  Some I need to work on.  I've ran a nation-wide larp for Changeling the Lost - and still squee when I read about Changeling the Dreaming.

i've seen England, and was invited back.  I have seen the east coast, but not the west coast yet.  My family has expanded.  My family has gotten smaller.  My faith has been challanged, and sometimes affirmed.  I've been good,.... and bad...

In general... life has happened.
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