Feb 28, 2006 15:44
The second (or perhaps sixth) coming has, er, come! I shall be making a trip of leisure (and minimal business) down to Los Angeles at the very end of this week, and would like to alert you fine company of criminals to the fact that I would love to indulge in the pleasure of your company during that span. In fact, I'm thinking of holding a party at my house roundabouts the weekend of the 10th-12th, and I'm wondering what days would work the best for all you folks. So far it looks as though Saturday would be the best all around, but plans are still mouldable. Dear reader, you still have the chance to democratically alter the future and the remainder of our lives as you (and we) know (or rather, don't know) it.
Vote now, and have your voice heard! Upon what night will we drink too much?!
Bless you all,
-- J.C.
p.s. It occurs to me now that the tentative theme of the party shall be: Art History