And they have been flushed.

May 12, 2005 21:43

Alas, my life has not gotten much better. Rations have been poor as have been sleeping hours, but MY GOD, what is this?! I'm FIVE POUNDS FATTER than I was two weeks ago?

See, Jesus? I'm just not cool with that.

Still. It's not so much "woe is me" as it is this sluggishness that weighs down on my severely compromised mental faculties. Like. Brain, WHERE DID YOU GO?! It has gone on vacation without me, leaving me to fend for my precalc grade alone, which is, by the way, in its death throes. COME BACK HERE, I COMMAND YOU, we still have twenty days to go. T_T

It's like the last little go in this portion of the disgusting scholastic marathon (I hate running) that is my life. It shouldn't be as hard as it's going to be, which is still not THAT bad, given my school and all, but still. Term paper, english essay, and entire newspaper issue to be spewed out in two weeks or less, all while fighting desperately to resuscitate math grades although we're going through a chapter I, ironically enough, ACTUALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND (versus me being too lazy to do work as it has been for the most part).
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