slowly freezing to death

Nov 29, 2006 18:57

THE CENTRAL HEATING HAS NOT BEEN WORKING SINCE BEFORE THANKSGIVING. I'm sure we could store perishable produce right out on our desks and not worry about anything going bad because it's ABSOLUTELY SUBARCTIC in here. Sleeping requires just about every article of clothing I own, which makes getting out of bed an extreme sport. How exactly does one climb down a ladder without bending limbs?

In other news, chemistry will make yet another attempt to kill me between today and through tomorrow's four hour lab. Should chem fail, astronomy is waiting on the sidelines.

Highlight of the Day:
"Some problems you do in your closet, where no one can see you."
While demonstrating tedious word problems involving Hooke's Law and undetermined coefficients, Professor Olsson shares his opinion on math and social propriety.
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