Pre-flight Jitters

Feb 14, 2006 22:20

Once upon a time, I was flying over to the east coast entirely on my own to tour some colleges way out of my league, and I got very, very anxious. I had to email some professors because I had no idea whether or not we're allowed to sneak inside as prefrosh and totally unofficial, uninitiated-into-college prefrosh, at that. There were some other issues, like being stupidly afraid of getting mugged and raped and murdered in some lonely, ghetto alley in New York, and then a couple good things like missing school, but more being stupidly afraid of premature death than anything else.

My flight's booked for Thursday, but I'm already freaking out. Tomorrow's going to be such a long day, and this is going to be such a long weekend. :x

I = biggest wuss ever.
(But I can't help it. T_T)
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