You may experience some pretty intense energy on march 22. it wont take much to spark some action-reaction scenarios on this day. so be wise and try not to react. march 27th is your best day as the sun and moon form a harmonious alliance. march 28th and 29th could be days of decisions and judgements, heavy days as many realities come winging home.
So I've had some issues at work..for months now.. not sure why i havent posted about it before i guess its just hard and painful
mostly an amazingly rude coworker and anal supervisor amongst other annoyances. It's upset me greatly and it's definately time to leave.
However I don't want to quit this company so I've put in for a transfer type thing.. which is really just another position at another branch. I applied officially last week.
The deadline for the applications is March 25th .. Sunday
It just so happens that this branch is short staffed and I am going to be going there to work tomorrow and monday .. the 26th. which is probably the day I should find out if I have the job.. or need an interview or what. Since ill already be there im sure i will just get an inteview while im there..
im pretty nervous and excited at the same time . I've worked there once before but it was months ago and only for a half day
I really hope tomororw goes well and I show them how awesome I am and we all get along :)
I really need a fresh start and this seems like the perfect place for me right now
like all the stars have aligned to make it happen
I just have to knock their socks off on these coming shifts
The position starts on April 1st!
When the kids heard I wouldn't be there for a few days they got really upset. 3 or 4 of them were telling me they want me there every day and they dont want me to go anywhere else.. they actually seemed quite concerned which i was a bit shocked at. I was about to tell them that its not like im leaving forever.. but then I realized that in a couple weeks I may be doing just that. It's really hard to get that close to a group of kids and build that close of a bond and then have to say goodbye.. So that would be hard...but most definately worth it.
Oh well.. I start my shift in 11 hours
wish me well!