Aug 20, 2006 21:21
I went to the la Ren Faire today, dressed as a "werewolf" sort of thing, and it was...ahaha, fun to say in the least, because my costume didn't actually match ANYTHING. It was kind of happying to see so many people with animal tails hanging out the bottom of their spines, though ( that something just new to cosplay faires in general? So many animecon people doing it too...), and I got one myself. ^//^ A nice reddish one that's all swingy and not stiff like the gray tail that I tried to make. Elisu got one too, we're going to wear them to the first day of school. Elisu also got a real axe, but that will hopefully not be brought to a public government-sponsored place anytime soon, haha.
'Twas a very inspiring thing - but then, all fairs are, I guess. So many people dressed up. Next year I'll definitely be a little bit more conforming, and hopefully by then I won't be blinking my eyes out because of contact hurts.
Didn't really get a lot of good pictures, though. A shame. And it was still extremely hot. But o well. It was awful funful.