Ever so slowly

May 21, 2006 14:13

Increasingly I am finding myself nudged to the conclusion that I am, in fact, and a little ironically, an aural vampire.

And that's pretty much all I have to say about that, for now.

I was tagged by Skie~

10 years ago I was...
+ ...approximately in sixth grade. No wait, first grade. *selfwhap*
+ This meant that I was in California, supporting my entrance into the latchkey's tomboy club by the fact that I had a mole on my neck, even though it was actually a birthmark.
+ At school, I was being generally too smart and "too cute" for my own good, calling Alan every evening and beating everyone at pool.
+ ...crying and frustrated and confused over why I couldn't go into the bathroom as the same time as Nelson did. o_o

5 years ago I was...
+ Sixteen minus five is...eleven. ^//^
+ In sixth grade, "dating" Riley, whose face I accidentally slashed when he came up behind me suddenly and tried to hug me.
+ Writing the first version of "The Mage-Story," starring everyone I knew, of which there would be at least six more revised versions and no actual conclusion.
+ Honing my cat-rate (as in...karate...haha...) and fighting with the tae kwan dog girl. *hiss*

1 year ago I was...
+ Fifteen, and mourning my fourteen-year-old self
+ Sleeping over at Jenae's house, watching the Goo Goo Dolls concert with Karen, and staying up too late...yay for journals. ;3
+ Being totally obsessed with Death Note...and then crying over ***spoiler***
+ Still writing my anthro story. I'm not even going to try remembering how many versions of that there's been.

Yesterday I...
+ Went to the DMV to get the pamphlet I should study so I can get a permit thingy. :\
+ Took a three-hour nap.
+ Stayed up way too late talking with my Mom about various things. :P
+ あの人を本当に会いたくて嫌っていました。 -_-;;

5 snacks I enjoy...
+ Ramen
+ That one really good cheese from WA State University
+ White chocolate
+ Seasoned seaweed with rice and/or fried egg and/or spam
+ ...milk <3

5 songs I know all the words to...
+ All the songs in the Clay Aiken CDs, which was ironically the first time I decided that I really liked music
+ All the songs on the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack
+ All the songs on the first Michelle Branch CD :O
+ Most of the older Disney Songs :3
+ ...whatever plays on the radio, usually. That was all more than five, o well.

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars...
+ Give half to my parents to distribute as they wished
+ Of the remaining half, put three-fourths into a bank somewhere
+ Commission a room with a depression in the floor that I could fill with blankets and pillows and then just nest in <3
+ Travel the world.
+ Donate the remaining to that soup kitchen at St. Anthony's, because I recall hearing that the lady that established the place has worked there EVERY weekend for ever since before I was born.

5 places I would run away to...
+ Akihabara, Japan
+ Cavite, Philippines
+ Monterey Bay, California
+ Sydney, Australia
+ anywhere in Brazil

5 things I would never wear...
+ Real fur ;_;
+ Anything those new Bling Bling Barbies would wear, augh
+ Transparent anything with nothing over it
+ Um...the rest I probably would wear, but (a) probably not for very long or (b) in public.

5 favorite tv shows...
+ House <3
+ Umm...I guess I also like The Simpsons
+ And...Malcolm in the Middle
+ Ummand...any cartoons on cable, since I don't have cable myself
+ And anime, but I usually get that on the computer. :3

5 bad habits...
+ Not posting at Dark Skye. >_> I'll admit it now.
+ Walking on tip-toes, because I think it's going to lead to some serious leg-problems later
+ Same with sitting with my legs all twisted everywhichway
+ Getting way too angry at things for my own good. :\
+ Not doing things that I should, i.e. chores etc.

5 biggest joys...
+ Being with people that I love, especially when there's nothing else to do
+ Talking with people, especially in a non-English language
+ Writing, especially when I feel I'm getting somewhere
+ Roleplaying, especially when things are rolling well
+ Drawing, especially when people take the anthroness in stride

5 fictional characters I would date...
+ Link (o yes, Skie)
+ ...o wow, I've already hit a dead end. >_>;; Probably because I can't even think of five people in real life that I'd want to date. Ummm...L, from Death Note
+ Syaoran, from Tsubasa RESERvoir CHRoNICLE
+ Eita from Shakugan no Shana XD;; Yes, that character wayyy back there.
+ Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle. <3

Chances are that I'd never work with any of them, though. :\

I tag...Jenae and Stephanie, yo. :3
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