Had this discussion with George earlier today, thought I'd share. Just a rant on Eva in general (I DO like the series, despite what I say here. I'm just analyzing it from sociological perspective, not so much OMG GOOD SHOW or OMG BAD SHOW)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDscbi2kgsw&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Flj-toys.com%2F%3Fjournalid%3D820089%26moduleid%3D134%26preview%3D%26auth_token%3Dsessionless%3A1242842400%3Aembedcontent&feature=player_embeddedAuraGirl: Shinji has stripes on his shirt now, OOO.
AuraGirl: though I think I spotted TWO SHOTS that look new/unique LMAO Asuka posing in her suit...they did it before but the angle looks different (therefore necessitating re-drawing)....and that uh..whatever that shot was, there's a shot of someone in a lot of test gear with a big ol' helmet? I'm not sure. LMAO
BH-George: I love how you can like
BH-George: play Spot the Differences with the old Eva and the rebuild
BH-George: *point* Shinji's shirt has stripes!
BH-George: You know. *point* They gave it a little more effort for the pointless architecture shots.
BH-George: *point* Asuka's vagina looks tighter.
BH-George: "So what's new about the new EVA, you ask? Director has something to say!"
BH-George: "I'm the director, and we've gone out of our way to make sure new series has significant changes. Like what? Well... you can't see it, but Asuka's vagina is so tight, it hurts her not to have something in it!"
BH-George: "Special computer animation artists have done a simulation. Pressure is enough to turn coal into diamond!"
AuraGirl: LMAO
AuraGirl: what's sad is I bet that would sell them DVDs
BH-George: Hell yeah bitch. You know Japanese boys would be all like
BH-George: "...buying new version now"
BH-George: Staring and then turning for a phone.
BH-George: "...ah. Yes. I'd like 10 copies."
BH-George: "......................I know I'm only watching one, but..."
BH-George: "Having them on the shelf, it makes me feel almost like a success as a man."
BH-George: Wondering what this says about Japanese boys.
BH-George: But it's like, Asuka is not merely a 'tsundere' or the archtypical one.
BH-George: Asuka is the anime character you could imagine smashing some guy's balls.
AuraGirl: LMAO yeah
AuraGirl: well
AuraGirl: Asuka and Rei are ICONS man
AuraGirl: like Mickey Mouse
AuraGirl: only they're hypersexualized 14 year olds so slender you could crush them with heavy breathing...instead of cartoon mice.
AuraGirl: one of them is the ultimate Mother Complex
AuraGirl: the other is a SUPREME BITCH who ends up failing
AuraGirl: that's the appeal isn't it? Asuka is a total fucking bitch and then she fails and dies
BH-George: Supreme bitch who ends up failing makes boys who fail at masculinity feel good, huh?
AuraGirl: and not only does she die she dies HORRIBLY
BH-George: In a gang bang
BH-George: Place your face on the big freaking angels. It's like the faceless gangbangs in any doujin
AuraGirl: and that's why Shinji faps to her comatose body
AuraGirl: it's not the boob that sets him off, it's the fact that she's powerless
BH-George: LMAO
AuraGirl: LMAO 'finally she shut the fuck up'
BH-George: Yeah
AuraGirl: Evangelion: A heaping helping of Everything Wrong In Japan
AuraGirl: LMAO you know
AuraGirl: I feel like the creator...probably had a Chuck Jones roadrunner moment
AuraGirl: he made this thing when he was suicidally depressed
AuraGirl: he is no doubt expressing feelings about SHIT THAT'S WRONG
AuraGirl: but instead of people feeling bad
AuraGirl: they went OH MY GOD FAPFAPFAPFAP
AuraGirl: like how Chuck Jones intended for Roadrunner and Coyote to be aparody of chase series
AuraGirl: to point out how stupid they are
AuraGirl: but instead they nailed the chase series SO PERFECTLY, it became the sort of socratic standard for chase series
AuraGirl: LMAO this may explain the ending and shit - series wasn't MEANT to be a big old action comedy with hints of the supernatural
AuraGirl: it was meant to be psychologically symptomatic VENTING
BH-George: LMAO Yes.
BH-George: That's frankly, probably absolutely true
AuraGirl: but it's taken a life of it's own and now without any purpose, it's just an action comedy with supernatural bits
AuraGirl: and most of the fanbase is like "Man I really wish they'd get rid of some of this emo existential shit >:I"
AuraGirl: LMAO u know what? Posting this to my LJ. LMAO
And so I did!