still in california. switched locations today, now i'm staying with the barnes family, the pastors of the church down here. i love them. <3
on saturday i surprised lauren with legally blonde the musical tickets in san jose. i love it. it's like 2.5 hours of sheer joy. next week when i'm in san diego, i'm going to see it again. it will be my 3rd time. i'm thinking about maybe seeing it twice in san diego. maybe. we'll see. michael rupert, who plays professor callahan, is SO AMAZING. he might be my favorite guy on the tour cast.
i saw the cute boy from my last post again. and he is cute. and people agree with me. and i'll see him again on sunday.
today was day one of me not biting my nails. lauren and i went and got a manicure. so my nails are hot pink [duh] and there are little flowers on my's been easy to not bite my nails so far. give me a few days. anybody reading this overcome a nail biting problem? any helpful hints? =)
the weather has been so beautiful and i am darker, and that's great. hopefully by the end of the week i will have bangs. i am a little nervous about this.... so we will see.
lauren after the show =)
it's 2:20 am and i am tiiiired.