Making this one quick

Jul 30, 2004 11:25

Because im at work and will get my ass reamed if I get caught screwingh around...

Cyn is the best person ever.


I got all sorts of noticed from UPS and both scott and I denied that it was ours, because NO ONE sends us stuff.

Turns out, it WAS mine. They delivered it to me at work today. A few minutes ago, in fact.

OMG. Cookis galore and candles, and yummy smelling lotions and ...good god, woman! That's a lot of shake!

I am SO grateful. And the cookies are delicious right now as I need a sugar rush;)

I DID receive the emails and such for my birthday recently and I forwarded them to a secondary email so I can reply. SO. BUSY. (Went out of town last weekend straight from work).

As an aside, I MIGHT cancel AOL, in which case I will use my comcast email as my primary. If I cancel AOL, I will, of course, still have AIM and I will rejoin NLG with new email and stuff. Just a heads up in case I do it:)

Please know I do appreciate the notes and emails and well wishes, even if it takes me like a decade to respond to them. Nice to know people still think of you and care, even if you can't be around as much:)
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