Loony. Wolfy.

Sep 23, 2003 23:59

Since I got Hail to the Thief, two songs stood out to me more than others. With Radiohead, my first standouts usually remain my album favorites forever.

The two on this album that stood out to me were Sail to the Moon and Wolf at the Door.

I have Wolf at the Door on repeat and have for about an hour now. I am in my obsessive mode.

This song feels like my brain. Weird? Yes. Still true.

The song is basically ranty Thom streaming conscious bullshit, only it's not all bullshit. It's more of a streamy, meaningful, yet nonsensical rant. The build in this song reminds me a bit of Exit Music (to a film) in that it makes a slow and steady build until Thom explodes into full-fledged psychosis near the end, then winds down again to a calm.

Reminds me of what my brain feels like. I only wish I could stream the way he does. My nonsensical rants are simply nonsensical. My streaming never becomes a cohesive argument.

They definitely have a song that fits my every mood and describes me to a T (I have discussed this in the past). The window to my soul is still Sunterranean Homesick Alien, but Wolf at the Door shows my angrier side. The latter song is the window to my moodiness, my rantiness (is that even a word?) and my general discontent.

I hear this song and I groove. I light my candles, I turn off all but one light and I groove around the room. Hell, I groove in my chair. Unlike the Otis groove, this groove gets angry, relentless and then dies suddenly, like I finally got out the anger and frustration and can now rest. My hands run through my hair, feeling like they want to rip it right out, then fisting like Celine Dion, running in the air, jumping around, almost mosh-like, swaying with the music, feeling the build, letting myself go, knowing no one is in the room, no one can see me, no one will care, least of all me, and i can just hold my head in my hands, and i can yell with Thom and I can believe in what he says and I can feel it and wow, getting angrier, stop pissing me off, you hypocrites and inhumans, get out, go away, stay away from me, let me stay in my own world, try to fuck with me, please, do it do it do it, i want a good fight, i need a good fight, fuck with me, no? The leave me...and now I feel better.
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