DRUIDIC - You have to live close to nature to
survive. You dream magick. In the deep woods
you gather, bringing together mysticism and
philosophy, insight and learning. Your spirit
emerges from the the tides of the sea, the
light of the sun, the wind in the Oak, the cry
of the deer.
What is Your Magick Path? brought to you by
Quizilla Okay well i kinda can relate to this one, but i took it again cause i kinda went against myself and i got Night Magick, but i guess thats a duality in us all . Anywho nuthin much new here I am going to start being more active in my MySPACE account so we will see how that goes HEHE hmmm i wonder how much i can do with HTML i know a little well i guess it will have to wait till u have free time cause except for work i have almost no time on the computer what with going to AWA (ANIME WEEKEND ATLANTA) in like 3 weeks or so.. I NEED TO WORK ON MY COSTUME ... i think i have finally picked it out, BUT SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH its a secret i dont want everyone to look like me lol like taht would happen i usually pick the uncool stuff anyway BUT for anime geeks out there everywhere i will be wearing a fur lined white duster...any guesses???? well al for now till next quiz i find that i like