(no subject)

Apr 26, 2005 11:45

Sunday night was Metalfest. I haven't been in a few years, but I decided to go this year for whatever reason (mostly Max dragging me along). I refused to go as the doors opened because frankly, I just can't stand 12 hours of shitty Metal without a place to sit down or anywhere to eat. Right as we got there, we're walking towards the entrance and see this very bloodied guy get dragged out by a few cops who tell him to take a walk. He turns around and says something and immediately all 3 cops start pummeling him. I was gonna shout "Hoorah police brutality!" but I decided that given the situation that wouldn't have been a very suave thing to blurt. So we showed up about an hour and a half before the headlining bands started to come on, which was a mistake. Basically the bands that I wasn't that familiar with sucked royal ass and it was pretty painful to watch them. Especially Soilwork and Hypocrisy... 2 incredibly overhyped bands that couldn't pull talent out of a big bag labelled "lots of talent bag."

Fast foward to Nile, probably the fastest band on Earth. I have one of their albums and I had always respected them but I didn't expect to be blown away like I was. Seeing Nile live is akin to the feeling of being completely useless as a human being. They play so fast and with such ferocity that there's nothing you can do to show your appreciation. The music is to fast to headbang to or move to in any way. I just sat there, jaw on the floor, in complete awe of what I was witnesseing. I saw a few people in the pit sort of spasming their arms but that just looked retarded. A few people were headbanging really slowly (at least compared to the music) and they looked retarded to. So staring and being awestruck was really the only thing to do. I salute you Nile, for rendering a packed building full of people entirely useless.

The headliner was King Diamond, whom I haven't really listened to in years, but I wanted to see to laugh at because he's so ridiculous. He sure shut me up. He put on one of the best shows (behind only Iron Maiden) that I've ever seen. They had an elaborate stage setup with a giant iron fence in front of the stage and a coffin that read "Abigail" on a pedestal. They started off doing a bunch of songs from Abigail and also acting them out with some random lady dancing and freaking out. I think the best part was when King Diamond stabbed a stuffed baby in the face with a long knife. Overall, King Diamond is my hero. His chipmunk vocals restore my faith in humanity (chipmunkity?)

Pictures of the King Diamond set:

King Diamond stabbing the baby in the face

KD rockin the fence

Crazy dancing lady
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