Blabady bloo, and human poo

Dec 02, 2003 23:11

Heh, like my rhyme? yeah me too. Geez its been a while. Hope all of you missed me. I finally started growing facial hair, heh, I don't really like it though, and its not that much. Yeah, well kids I'm 20 now, gotta start being man, running the house, being king of my castle, and smacking the women around. just kidding about the women smacking part. I'd like to tell you that I have had an epiphany, and I have! The problem with the my area is that everyone expects to get things for free. "Isn't it about time for me to get a free rental?" "The calenders are free aren't they?" "this pop corn is free right?" WHAT IN HELL HAVE THESE PEOPLE DONE TO EARN FREE STUFF? Do they listen to their stupid questions every day? NO! do they get cussed out because they brought the movie back late? NO! I DO! Thats right, people cuss me out daily for them having latefees. It is Movie Gallery Corp. who gives them their late fees. And for anyone who thinks I have any control over the price of a rental movie in a town where we are unrivaled... don't be retarded. Sorry, thats all of my anger about movie gallery for tonight. Anyways, Hey we gotta band concert at CACC at 7 this Thursday, you all should come check it out, Tink and I and chad will be there surely. Yeah, Well, that'll be all. Remember: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get that bird out of your bush
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