hp mashup vids

Aug 15, 2009 22:43

Some cool mashups vids that use HP and my favorite musical theater songs. I call them mashups rather than vids b/c I feel the editors did more than just set scenes to music, but made the effort to tell a story using HP vid and the music as tools.

Harry wants Lady Luck to know that he's stuck here:

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Lucius Malfoy enquirers about Harry's strange unique plant, which he found during a total eclipse of the sun. (Dah-do.)

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Lily's Eyes. For this one, you must suspend disbelief: that Remus likes girls, and most importantly, that Harry is "the girl" who has Lily's eyes. Regardless, the vid adds an extra element to Snape and Lupin's conflicted feelings toward Harry in PoA.

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A *horrifying and wrong* delightful Sirius/McGoogles vid. Let's just say Sirius got away with a lot on charm alone.

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