Jan 09, 2004 23:57
I think that if I hadn't worked tonight I would have gone crazy. Besides everyone thinking I was high because my eyes were still so dilated...it was fun. Courtnay was back and I missed her. Tyler came in too and talked to me for a while cause I was bored. I didn't talk to anybody else that much. I think I'm going to share a bit of wisdom with everyone that I have learned this holiday about relationships. If you don't give your boyfriend/girlfriend the time of day that they want/deserve, you might as well kiss the relationship goodbye. I've learned this from several differant relationships...none of which will be named. Someone always gets hurt in a relationship...and that sucks but it's just the way things are. I have a problem with opening up to someone and making myself vulnerable too soon. I get emotionally attached way too quickly and I get burned. Dave told everybody to back off of me cause I have a fiance. I was like...uhh nope sorry don't have one of those. Sometimes I wish I did...but I don't think I'm ready. I wish I was back in Auburn so I wouldn't have to worry about some of this stuff. I think I'm going to go lay in my bed for a while. My eyes are really hurting me. goodnight~