Ernst and William 1914 Wisconsin

May 27, 2009 17:27

Ernst and William 1914 Wisconsin, originally uploaded by
A cousin I have never met sent pictures I have never seen of people I have never met, and yet are related to me. I have been to Wisconsin, but not at haying time, if that's what this is. Ernst is my great-grandfather, and William his youngest son, 9 years old when this was taken. Life on a farm with horses is unfathomable to me. I know the smell of hay, and the smell of horses, the heat that emanates from them, and the sounds of their breath. I imagine having horses and taking care of them every day with difficulty. I once learned how to brush a horse and clean its feet. Only with great difficulty have I bridled a horse, and I have no idea one puts on all the tack seen in this picture.

There must have been storytellers in this family, but I have not met any of them. Except for my cousin Judy, who lives in Montana, but her storytelling comes from the side of her family we do not share. I had a wonderful time when I met her at the hotel where she was staying for a conference, but the connection did not continue through email. I'll write to again soon, I hope. After I sort out a bit of the confusion I feel looking at these pictures......
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