I spend far too much time online already and manage too many websites/blogs/social media accounts to want to set up another one. So I'm keeping a pen-and-paper learning log for my OCA Textiles course. But I do want to share some of what I'm doing, especially with who is also doing the same course, and this seems the sensible place for that. I'll try to remember to put images behind a cut so you can easily scroll past if you're not interested.
The warm-up exercises are all about mark making with conventional and unconventional tools. Today I've been doing the 'negative marks' exercise:
Top left: Black ink over white wax crayon
Top right: White ink over charcoal
Bottom left: Black ink over masking fluid
Bottom right: White ink on black ink
These are the tools I made/found:
From left to right: nylon wash cloth over a comb, ribbon over plastic scraper, twig, tampon, wet wipe over toothbrush, cotton buds, plastic bag over cord-wrapped emery board (I ended up not using this one), lollipop. The toothbrush was the most disappointing. The lollipop and comb were my favourites.
There is one more warm-up exercise left, and then I can start on the first assignment!