Jul 11, 2004 19:49
(and then there was none, yet again)
Now I don't claim to be a Veterinarian or even Marine Biologist but when the sole resident of our cursed-fishbowl-of-sure-death is swimming around proudly in a daze of benevolent ignorance with a large whitish fungal growth attached to its dorsal fin it doesn't bode particularly well for our fishy friend. I pointed this out to brother dearest who mumbled something about getting some water treatment to blah blah blah blah. In failing to treat his aquatic amigo I hold him responsible for the death of the aptly named "Smarty".
When a person dies it is told that their soul, their spirit detaches itself from their body and either floats up (mind you "up" is relative isn't it) to the eternal peace of Heaven or is dragged kicking and screaming down (once again relative) to Hell where they will spend the rest of eternity writhing in damnation. Sometimes there are circumstances which lead to a Soul not being able to depart from the earth, they are stuck here until they are released. These earthbound spirits are commonly known as ghosts, sometimes when a ghost results as the result of murder or similar circumstances it becomes malevolent and takes up haunting to keep itself amused and to pass time.
Our house is now haunted. By a ghost. The ghost of Smarty the goldfish who was denied medical assistance and consigned to a slow wasting death at the joint hands of a fungal parasite and a heartless and unfeeling thirteen year old.
Still, it makes life interesting.