Thats me, i'm hedonistic, get it, HEAD-ONNA-STICK, yeah, I crack me up...

Mar 23, 2004 17:46

To commemorate the passing of yet another day I have commissioned a master artiste (the e is silent) to custom design me a whole new Icon. With this in mind the aforementioned master artiste (the e still being silent) fired up his state of the arte (yes yes, same deal) graphic design program and got down to work. Merely minutes later it was complete and ready to be the banner under which my ramblings fly. And fly they would, heralded by a truly breathtaking display of wit, humour, spite, malice and a sprinkling of "appropriation". The piece entitled "Arte Imitating The Practical Uses Of The modern Sticke" still confuses me with its title but the Artiste has refused to explain it any further citing that it is a conceptual piece.

(still two, and the snail)

My arm is still firmly attached despite people's dreams otherwise.
and now a word form our sponsors:

"Are you EMO? Does nobody like you? Do you receive death threats from loved ones? Well maybe your LJ Icon just really sucks! Well we have the answer, commission our in house Master Artiste to make a better one, simply contact Zig with any specifications or ideas and in minutes* your life will be changed**"

Anyone in need of a fresh new icon should feel free to post below.

*Quantity of minutes may vary.
**Quality of new life may vary.
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