fandom meme

Feb 26, 2012 11:06

snagged from verizonhorizon and jennytork

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Comments 13

tari_roo February 26 2012, 18:19:21 UTC
ooooh, what a great meme! How do you find such great memes. I v.tempted to post this myself :)

I think ST got a lot of folks into fanfiction - its the progenitor of fanfic afterall :)


auntmo9 February 26 2012, 18:25:13 UTC
I don't look for the memes. They just show up on my flist. I can't take credit for them. Someone else out there is coming up with them, and somehow, they are getting circulated on my flist.

And I will be an enabler...I say go for it!


tari_roo February 26 2012, 18:32:42 UTC
LOVE your crossover ref icon!!

Sure, sure, but you obviously have a great flist then ;)

ooooo.... *indecision*


auntmo9 February 26 2012, 18:40:39 UTC
well, duh...your on my flist! *g*

I can't remember where I got the icon, but I did credit. And it is one of the three people on my icon rec post at spn_bigpretzel. I think it was morgentau


colls February 26 2012, 19:30:42 UTC
I've been resisting these meme, or some similar one, for days. LOL! *meep* But it's so interesting to see people's responses.

I loved Barbara Hambly's 'Ladies of Madrigyn' (which I'm actually kind of afraid to re-read).

Also, who doesn't love a good crossover? :D


auntmo9 February 26 2012, 19:49:09 UTC
See, I like doing these memes, because I find it is an easy way to tell people about myself when I am too lazy to come up with an "about me" post for my new friends. And some of my older friends like them, too. *g*


riveroceansea February 27 2012, 01:06:02 UTC

our local library had a copy of one Star Trek (TOS) fanzine on hand. In it,there was one story about how part of the crew had ended up on the set of of Star Trek due to a transporter mishap a la "Mirror, Mirror". It was very much like the "The French Mistake" from SPN, and I loved it.

I have that book! I giggled when they did 'The French Mistake' and wondered if one of the writers had read that story.


auntmo9 February 27 2012, 01:21:22 UTC
Star Trek has done so much not only for science fiction, but for fandom!


riveroceansea February 27 2012, 02:43:39 UTC

Yep. It's because of the first Star Trek fan-run con that Creation Entertainment got it's start. It's the reason we can see the J2 at con today. Star Trek fans may or may not have started 'zines, but there's no arguing they made them popular--including slash.


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