For a bit of distraction from Real Life

Feb 11, 2012 21:28

Taken from princess_aleera

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now,(even if we don't speak often or ever) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad. :)

When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your journal if you are so inclined and see what your ( Read more... )

meme, flist

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Comments 11

novakev February 12 2012, 05:50:22 UTC
I totally remember that time we went for a walk in a field of daisies. I picked one and started to pull the petals and 'he loves me, he loves me not'. It ended with he loves me not, and we were both so sad we cried awhile, then hugged and went home to have ice cream. You rock at cheering me up!


auntmo9 February 12 2012, 15:15:23 UTC
Well, ice cream always helps too! Besides the ice cream parlor was filled with cute guys and the owner seemed to be able to come up with the most amazing creations at a snap of his fingers :D


ramblin_rosie February 12 2012, 06:23:59 UTC
Remember Game 7 of the World Series, hanging out with Torty? Yeah. Good times.


auntmo9 February 12 2012, 15:25:37 UTC
Yes! That game was amazing! And who knew that hanging out with a tortoise would be some much fun? What a great sense of humor and his penchant for practical jokes rivals someone else we know! he and Fredbird really threw the Rangers Captain for a loop when he filled the pockets of his uniform with nuts and the Rally Squirrel chased him around the stadium trying to get a snack?


becofoz February 12 2012, 06:47:25 UTC
Remember the time we were chased by wild baboons? I've never run so fast in my life!


auntmo9 February 12 2012, 15:27:49 UTC
I slept for two days and didn't need to work out for a week after that! And now I keep a picture of baboons on my treadmill to inspire me to run faster every time I need to burn a few extra calories1


i_sudoku February 12 2012, 11:15:39 UTC
Do you remember the good time when we were following Dean and Sam hunting? Then we met the Trickster and followed him instead. The good old days!


auntmo9 February 12 2012, 15:31:25 UTC
Yeah, but then he gave us the slip, so we just went back to Bobby's and watched old movies until Sam and Dean came back and Dean insisted on having a Chuck Norris marathon while we ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches!


tari_roo February 12 2012, 18:11:43 UTC
I remember it with great fondness. Hampstead Heath. A hot summer London day. We were in search of Queen Boadecia's burial mound. You had brought along a flute with which to enchant the wild rabbits. I... was complaining bitterly about the leaves and flowers - it was all to 'cutesy' for me. And in a moment of utter kismet and wonder - as we turned the corner, we spotted not the great mound of the mighty queen, but instead - tramp stamp! :)

A delicate flower etched over the butt crack of some balding 40-year old as he bent down to pick up his sandwich.


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