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Comments 25

i_sudoku December 15 2011, 17:07:03 UTC
It has been a while since I watch Indiana Jones so I don't remember the bad penny. What does it signify? Where are the references of Avatar and Star Trek?

Ironically, Sam went to watch Indiana Jones 4 without Dean :)

You should write more cross over, I enjoy this one and the Harry Potter one.


auntmo9 December 15 2011, 17:36:31 UTC
Pandora- the habitable moon in Avatar

Ferenginar- home planet of the Ferengi, where women are not allowed to wear clothes. Ferengi are seen in first in ST:TNG, band more prominently in DS9

Gabriel/Loki is the bad penny in this scenario.

And I am working on another one, though it will probably take me awhile.


i_sudoku December 16 2011, 00:29:46 UTC
Thanks for the answers. I forgot about the moon in Avatar. I never watched Star Trek.

OK, I'm looking forward to that.


auntmo9 December 16 2011, 01:02:43 UTC
You're welcome!


vikingprincess December 17 2011, 01:32:33 UTC
Fantastic interweaving! And I loved the Star Wars nods throughout, also.


auntmo9 December 17 2011, 02:37:48 UTC
Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it! :D


(The comment has been removed)

auntmo9 March 5 2012, 13:04:09 UTC
Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it!


stolen_childe March 30 2012, 02:45:26 UTC
That was really good. Loved the Star Wars shout outs. I've been in love with Harrison Ford since I was seven... lol


auntmo9 March 30 2012, 02:52:10 UTC
Thank you so much!

I think I fell for him when I was about ten :D


angeltrap March 31 2012, 12:53:52 UTC
That was WONDERFUL! :D I'm so glad I happened to see you mentioned this, would've never come across this otherwise! The Star Wars references made me extremely happy, and as if Gabriel working a little angel magic to help (and annoy) Indy wasn't great enough, you had to bring suspicious!John and wee!chesters into the mix, too! I thought you'd do a bit about every movie and that would be it, so the last episode was a pleasant surprise.

Also loving Gabriel's multi-mythological babble :D And the idea of Indiana Jones giving a young Dean Winchester some advice is just adorable!


auntmo9 March 31 2012, 13:46:22 UTC
I am so tickled you enjoyed it!

I couldn't do an Indy/Gabe fic without the Star Wars references, it wouldn't be right :D

Thanks for reading!


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