If a woman is doing the same kind of work as a man, why the hell can't she paid the same money the man is paid? We shouldn't have to keep reminding people that women who do the same kind of work as a man, deserve to be paid accordingly. How many more generations until equal pay for equal work is an accepted norm?
Help End Pay Discrimination-
Tell Your Senators to Support Women's Right to Equal Pay!
Lilly Ledbetter, testifying at a hearing on the Fair Pay Restoration Act earlier this year.
"Itsure feels like discrimination when you are on the receiving end ofthat smaller paycheck and trying to support your family with less moneythan the men are getting for doing the same job."
- Lilly Ledbetter
Forward to a friend >> Read the petition >> Too many women in this country are getting paid less than they should be. If our leaders really want to stimulate the economy, they should boost women's paychecks by making sure that women can earn an equal wage for equal work.
A vote on the Fair Pay Restoration Act is expected soon, so now it's time for the Senate to stand up and do the right thing.
Sign the petition and tell your Senators to help end paycheck inequality Earlier this year, Lilly Ledbetter-who endured nearly 20 years of pay discrimination when she worked for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.-testified at a U.S. Senate committee hearing on the Fair Pay Restoration Act. If passed, this bill would help women fight for fair pay.
The Senate can help end paycheck inequality.
Please take a moment today and let your Senators know that you support the Fair Pay Restoration Act» Thanks for taking action!
Care2 Campaign Team
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